EFMC² Tandem Talks

Supported by MedChemBioOnline

 Virtual Event    November 28, 2023

EFMC² Tandem Talks, jointly organised by the EFMC and the EFMC Computational Chemistry Initiative (EFMC²), are designed to give you real life insights into how medicinal and computational chemists can drive projects together.  The tandem talks feature a balanced perspective from both sides. In this online seminar and discussion format you can hear about case studies where collaboration between the disciplines was key and discuss what makes the essence of successful MedChem-CompChem interaction now and in the future.

The first edition will take place on November 28 from 16:00 to 17:00 CET. Sandra Handschuh & Theodor Theis (Boehringer Ingelheim) will deliver a lecture on “Real World Use of FEP+ Calculations - Lessons Learned at Boehringer Ingelheim” before joining the round table discussion to interact with the attendees.

The ample opportunity to engage and discuss with our speakers sets these webinars apart. Save the date and learn not only about great science but also which ways of collaborating were key to success.