15th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium

 July 10-15, 2016    Antwerp, Belgium

Tetrahedron Chair

Prof. Véronique GOUVERNEUR
Tetrahedron Chair: "Classics and Moderns in Fluorine Chemistry"

Janssen Pharmaceutica Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis

Janssen Prize for Creativity
L15 - The Application of Photoredox Catalysis to New Transformations in Chemical Synthesis

Plenary Speakers

L04 - Chemical Biology on the Genome
Prof. Stephen L. BUCHWALD
L07 - Copper-Catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization Processes
Prof. Kuiling DING
L11 - Cooperative Catalysis in Asymmetric Synthesis: Case Studies of Mechanistic Understanding and Process Innovation
Prof. Kurt FABER
L06 - Biocatalytic Cascades for Organic Synthesis
Prof. Jean-Marie LEHN
L01 - Perspectives in Chemistry: From Supramolecular Chemistry to Adaptive Chemistry
Prof. William D. LUBELL
L17 - Bridging the Gap from Peptide Leads to Drug-like Molecules
Dr Geraldine MASSON
L16 - Asymmetric difunctionalization of Enamides via Hydrogen Bond Catalysis
Prof. Adriaan J. MINNAARD
L03 - Selective Catalytic Modifications of Unprotected Carbohydrates
Prof. Masahiro MIURA
L09 - Direct Aromatic Coupling by Transition Metal Catalysis
Prof. Eiichi NAKAMURA
L08 - Interface Between Molecular and Real World
Prof. Cristina NEVADO
L12 - Mechanistically Playful Metals
Prof. Magnus RUEPING
L10 - Sustainable Catalysis - Concepts and Applications for Visible Light Driven Reactions
Prof. Floris RUTJES
L05 - Catalytic approaches to the synthesis of enantiopure heterocycles
Prof. Amos SMITH
L02 - Evolution of Anion Relay Chemistry (ARC): Design, Synthesis and Validation of Recoverable Siloxane-Based Transfer Agents for Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions
Prof. Shannon S. STAHL
L13 - Catalytic Aerobic Oxidation Reactions for Organic Synthesis
Prof. F. Dean TOSTE
L18 - Concepts and Catalysts for Ion-Controlled Reactivity in Organic Synthesis
Prof. Stéphane VINCENT
L14 - Fluorinated or Multivalent Carbohydrates Designed as Antibacterial Agents